Standard Buildings:

From left to right: Radar, Air Base, Air defence

Fighters (tornado's i know they aint fighters but in my mod they are)


Subs launching nuke:

Nuke Target Marker:

Small Explosion:

Nuke Explosion:

Silo and Nuke:

Also includes supernote`ppp 'Lyptic' theme.
If you would like to download it click here (***UPDATED LINK 27th April 2014***)
to upload:
shinygerbil wrote:The data\ folder, which should contain a graphics\ folder with all the graphics in, should be in:
a) The defcon directory, if you do NOT want to use the ModLoader, or
b) A folder called mods\, and inside that one a folder called FreeBoStein, if you DO want to use the Loader.
So you'll have something like "C:\Program Files\Defcon\mods\FreeBoStein\data\graphics\(various graphic files)" with the ModLoader, or "C:\Program Files\Defcon\data\graphics\(various graphic files)" without.