Changing prisoners' categories.

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Inge Jones
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Changing prisoners' categories.

Postby Inge Jones » Fri Jul 03, 2015 6:58 pm

Does anything particular happen if you change the category of a prisoner other than that he now belongs in a different cell block with a different regime? Would it change his behaviour in anyway, make him more likely to tunnel, or kick off etc?
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Re: Changing prisoners' categories.

Postby Pogmothoin » Fri Jul 03, 2015 8:13 pm

It was always the case that the security grade the prisoner enters the prison as is the grade he will always be, even if you changed the colour of his shirt he'd still be the same, but with traits, death row, legendary, protected that's not so true any more.

Some prisoners are for more behaved that others.So Security grading comes down to where you want them, if you think someone should be in a higher grading because they are a pain in the backside so you want them surrounded by guards all the time, then put them there and vice versa.

In general max sec are almost the same as min sec guys, their crime is is more severe, and sentences generally longer. But their behaviour is almost the same, the only difference is how likely they are to start fighting if they aren't happy, and if they are likely to have a trait (or 3 or 5) which makes them more dangerous.

I'm hoping they will take a good look at prisoner grading when they've finished the gangs, because it will need some tweaking.
Inge Jones
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Re: Changing prisoners' categories.

Postby Inge Jones » Sat Jul 04, 2015 7:07 pm

I just wanted my intake to be all Medium security (orange) prisoners, then use the categories to assign them to different cell blocks, cos I find the orange ones to be the least troublesome. Though I wouldn't have to do this if the facility allocation (like allocating canteen to cell blocks) was extended to other types of rooms. In real prisons you can seperate known enemies or gang members by putting them in different blocks and making sure they can't come into contact. In the game you can only do that by changing the category of one of them.
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Re: Changing prisoners' categories.

Postby Pogmothoin » Sat Jul 04, 2015 9:00 pm

Yes the current system won't work for separating gang members, certainly not without a lot of micromanagement, I don't know how they intend to deal with that issue.

I think I heard Chris say that gang members are roughly 15% of Max sec intake atm, which in a prison of 1,000 max sec only should be around 150 inmates as gang members. There's no way you can filter that many to more than 3 different area's.

And min sec are the least trouble.
Inge Jones
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Re: Changing prisoners' categories.

Postby Inge Jones » Sat Jul 04, 2015 9:14 pm

I've never found min sec the least trouble - they tunnel more than any other, and it's actually quite tedious to play when you're spending most of your time searching toilets

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