Custom Gaurds

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Custom Gaurds

Postby TheKazz » Fri Mar 01, 2013 5:55 am

So here is a situation for you. A prisoner starts an excape attempt running for the edge of the map as fast as his programmed movement speed will allow him. all 235 of your gaurds chase after him as fast as thier identical programmed movement speed will allow them. The prisoner being just 1 sqare a head of your gaurds makes it to the edge of the map and excapes.. Is it just me or does this seem a litte jacked? Where are all my tazers and sniper rifles? why do everyone of my gaurds run the exact same speed? And most importantly why don't my gaurds try to stop an excape untill after the prisoner runs past them?

I would Love to see a system that adds some variation in the gaurds where each gaurd is measured in how fast they can run, how hard they can hit, how accurate they can shoot, ect. ect.

I would also love to be able to give my gaurds differant gear like tazers, pepper spray, rubber grenades, guns, and anything else that would be reasonable for them to have.

Then add in a leveling system where you can envest money into your gaurds to provide training that will increase their skills or give them specialized training that for example could make a CCTV monitor cover more camras or automaically spot and search prisoners carrying contraban.

Rookie Gaurds would also make more mistakes like dropping keys or not nowticing when a prisoner pickpocketed their gear.

Over all I just want the gaurds to be more dynamic where hiring more rookie gaurds is not always the best salution to a security crysis.
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Postby christhekiller » Fri Mar 01, 2013 6:18 am

Well a lot of what you suggested has been suggested before. But you could try putting in a fence perimeter. Fences are free to make so it wont cost you anything.
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Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2013 10:57 pm

Postby soul_rever38 » Fri Mar 01, 2013 11:09 am

I recommend atleast having 2 fences that surround your prison with atleast 2 checkpoints to get to the road, that way it will drastically cut down the chance of escape.

As far as the run speed have you tried putting gravel outside where the prisoners may run and then having a slightly faster way which the guards could use to get ahead, this may work for you
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Postby Parker22 » Fri Mar 01, 2013 11:16 am

soul_rever38 wrote:I recommend atleast having 2 fences that surround your prison with atleast 2 checkpoints to get to the road, that way it will drastically cut down the chance of escape.

As far as the run speed have you tried putting gravel outside where the prisoners may run and then having a slightly faster way which the guards could use to get ahead, this may work for you

I hadn't thought of that. You could have 2 fences with gravel in between, and paving slabs beyond. I'd put a guard out house beyond, and eventually....hounds

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