Bug: Item spillage

Discussion of the new Escape Mode

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Bug: Item spillage

Postby Rocknoz » Wed Jun 08, 2016 6:49 pm

This bug occured in Escape mode and started with one of my squad members visiously swiping with a shank whilst asleep, and without a shank in his inventory. Then, when I annoyed the guards somewhat (killed a few dozen), he got knocked out or something and all of a sudden shanks start spewing out of him, covering a 3x3 field with hundreds of shanks. Then when he became contious again and got knocked out a second time, a second 3x3 field of shanks appeared. Now my saves really laggy, all of the guards are busy cleaning and for some reason my guy got an 7223hr punishment. This punishment was checked from my printscreen (https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198015980108/screenshots), when checking the game itself, it rose to a whopping 17.000hr... That's almost 2 years!
I hope you'll be able to track the source of this bug. Luckely it's not completely gamebreaking =)

Below I added the description of said prisoner, as stated in the save file, maybe it has use for you

BEGIN "[i 1925]"
Id.i 1925
Id.u 3443618
Type Prisoner
SubType 1
Pos.x 11.50000
Pos.y 55.50000
Or.x 0.4474224
Or.y 0.8943166
AiWalkSpeed 0.3000000
AttackTimer -224.0360
Cell.i 157
Cell.u 3024416
Timer 0.4665209
RequiredCellType Solitary
Category MaxSec
BoilingPoint 92.66535
LastAte 186357.8
LastVisitors 50905.453125000000
TimeOfLastMisconduct 185395.9
LastTreated 192510.75867450098
Forname Christopher
Surname Green
Age 32.00000
BodyType 1
BodyScale 0.9515134
HeadType Head20
Traits Destructive
Traits Theft
Traits Lethal
Reputation Strong
Reputation Tough
Reputation Deadly
Reputation Quick
Reputation Instigator
Reputation Fighter
ReputationHigh Strong
ReputationHigh Tough
ReputationHigh Deadly
ReputationHigh Quick
ReputationHigh Instigator
ReputationHigh Fighter
ReputationRevealed true
Sentence 387
Served 8.466140
NextParole ThreeQuarters
SkinColour 0x7b4413ff
BEGIN Convictions
Size 7
BEGIN "[i 0]" Crime Murder Sentence 150 Plea true Guilty true END
BEGIN "[i 1]" Crime Murder Sentence 100 Plea true Guilty true END
BEGIN "[i 2]" Crime Murder Sentence 100 Plea true Guilty true END
BEGIN "[i 3]" Crime Murder Sentence 25 Plea true Guilty true END
BEGIN "[i 4]" Crime Robbery Sentence 12 Guilty true END
BEGIN "[i 5]" Crime Perjury Sentence 3 Guilty true Served true END
BEGIN "[i 6]" Crime Perjury Sentence 3 Guilty true Served true END
BEGIN Family
Size 2
BEGIN "[i 0]" Type Mother Age 55.00000 BodyType FemaleBody3 HeadType FaceOldWoman2 BodyScale 0.9128438 SkinColour 0x7b583aff ClothingColour 0x9c0037ff END
BEGIN "[i 1]" Type Father Age 66.00000 BodyType Prisoner HeadType FaceOldMan3 BodyScale 1.012152 SkinColour 0x7b5f47ff ClothingColour 0x8d7c6cff END
BEGIN StatusEffects
BEGIN suppressed Charge 1440.000 LastCharge 1440.000 END
Timer 1.822968
Size 22
BEGIN "[i 1]" id.i 1 id.u 3443619 Type Bladder ActionPoint 38.00000 TimeToAction 600.0000 TimeToFailure 720.0000 Charge 52.20841 END
BEGIN "[i 2]" id.i 2 id.u 3443620 Type Bowels ActionPoint 35.00000 TimeToAction 600.0000 TimeToFailure 1440.000 Charge 42.51382 END
BEGIN "[i 3]" id.i 3 id.u 3443621 Type Sleep ActionPoint 46.00000 TimeToAction 1440.000 TimeToFailure 1440.000 Charge 66.97208 END
BEGIN "[i 4]" id.i 4 id.u 3443622 Type Food ActionPoint 49.00000 TimeToAction 960.0000 TimeToFailure 1440.000 Charge 77.61604 END
BEGIN "[i 5]" id.i 5 id.u 3443624 Type Safety ActionPoint 40.00000 TimeToAction -360.0000 TimeToFailure -360.0000 Charge 52.77762 END
BEGIN "[i 6]" id.i 6 id.u 3443625 Type Hygiene ActionPoint 60.00000 TimeToAction 1440.000 TimeToFailure 1440.000 Charge 100.0000 END
BEGIN "[i 8]" id.i 8 id.u 3443626 Type Family ActionPoint 64.00000 TimeToAction 1440.000 TimeToFailure 1440.000 Charge 100.0000 END
BEGIN "[i 9]" id.i 9 id.u 3443627 Type Recreation ActionPoint 50.00000 TimeToAction 1440.000 TimeToFailure 1440.000 Charge 100.0000 END
BEGIN "[i 11]" id.i 11 id.u 3443628 Type Environment ActionPoint 39.00000 TimeToAction 720.0000 TimeToFailure 720.0000 Charge 100.0000 END
BEGIN "[i 12]" id.i 12 id.u 4176647 Type Warmth ActionPoint 44.00000 TimeToAction 1800.000 TimeToFailure 3600.000 END
BEGIN "[i 14]" id.i 14 id.u 3443629 Type Freedom ActionPoint 63.00000 TimeToAction 1440.000 TimeToFailure 1440.000 Charge 100.0000 END
BEGIN "[i 15]" id.i 15 id.u 3443623 Type Clothing ActionPoint 47.00000 TimeToAction 4320.000 TimeToFailure 4320.000 Charge 14.79634 END
BEGIN Experience
TickTimer 14.30488
StartingReoffendingChance 26
BEGIN Experience
TotalTime 27971.25
Misconduct 615.0000
LockedDown 10782.00
Regime 5815.000
Sleep 4680.000
Work 2007.000
Freetime 5981.000
MoodBad 3450.000
MoodNormal 11838.00
MoodGood 14592.00
NoCondition 7419.000
KOd 495.0000
Hurt 510.0000
Suppressed 21456.00

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