Assigning Reputation After Program Success

Discussion about Mods for Prison Architect

Moderator: NBJeff

Posts: 12
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 12:48 am

Assigning Reputation After Program Success

Postby prisonarch125 » Thu Nov 02, 2017 10:28 am

My question is: Is it possible to assign a reputation to a prisoner after they successfully complete a reform program?

I have been trying to find another mod that does this, but I can't find any/think of any examples in the game itself where this happens.

The goal would be to simply "reward" gang members who complete a repeatable mandatory/or/voluntary program (program itself would have a high difficulty) with a reputation that would have them housed with other protective custody reps.

If it was possible, I was just planning on rewarding the prisoner the "ReputationHigh Snitch" reputation, and by changing the base-language.txt file line "reputation_snitch_high" from Snitch to Ex-Gang Member.
Posts: 12
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 12:48 am

Re: Assigning Reputation After Program Success

Postby prisonarch125 » Sat Dec 02, 2017 12:17 pm

If the devs ever feel like doing a surprise update (which would be amazing plz do this) and by chance looking for ideas in this modding subforum. I think a good way to implement gang-dropouts would be similar to the way it happens in real life. Confirmed gang-members are sent to solitary confinement where they either make the decision themselves to drop out, or serve the rest of their sentence.

I picture opening up the informants tab and seeing a coloured circle around a "potential" dropout much like the potential informants that exist in game already.

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