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Gamebible Book 3

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 12:27 pm
by muaddib84
Hi all, i am aware that this is a question that has gone through the forum lots and lots of times but since i could not find anything of help i decided to ask instead and if you find this wrong of me then i'm sorry.

I recently broke the book 2 OTP and now have access to the readme.txt file, although i do now know how i should use the "numbers" that they have written.

I am sure that it is HEX or ASCII or HEX-to-ASCII but all i got atm is a HEX program and if it's possible i would like some advices or help on how to "break" this code and get onto the website.

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 8:26 pm
by TheShifter
it sounds like something on the web-riddle not-pron

i just did a search in google for a table of hex and ascii and the codes etc. i had to convert manually but the code wasnt long. so it was farily quick once i worked out what the code i had was in and what i had to change it to to make sense. i dont know how long you set of numbers is but if everything else fails.......


Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 4:24 am
by Hackerking
go 2 and u can decript binary hex and a buncha other stuff

Re: Gamebible Book 3

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2024 7:56 pm
by Stone Halk
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