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How do I change my account password?

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 10:40 pm
by The_Only_Zac
Hi, I'm having a problem playing Uplink on Windows 8. So I picked up a copy of Uplink on Steam yesterday, installed it, and it ran fine. Then I got to the part where I needed to register for an Uplink account. Now, this is the point where the problem originated; I misunderstood what the username and password would be used for, and I used a sensitive password that I use for other services across the web. Shortly afterwards I noticed that the password is displayed on the screen in plain, uncensored text quite frequently, and anyone who happened to be looking at my screen could easily see it. Quite frankly, I can't have that. I couldn't seem to find anywhere in-game that lets you change the password, and I was wondering if there is any way at all to change the password without resetting all progress (i.e. deleting the save file and starting over), even if it involves something complicated like using a hex editor (even though I would prefer to use the easiest method possible :lol:). If anyone could please help me out and tell me how I would greatly appreciate it!

Re: How do I change my account password?

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 10:49 pm
by mr_anonymous
It is not possible to change the password without resetting all progress from within the game. You should be able to change the password by decrypting the save file (search the forums for a redshirt decrypter), but I don't think it is worth it, because you are likely to fail early and often until you get the hang of the game. I wouldn't worry about losing progress too much, since failure is permanent. Just create a new user and delete the one with the sensitive password. As an aside, I would also suggest that using one password for everything is a very, very bad idea.

Re: How do I change my account password?

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 1:03 pm
by NeatNit
mr_anonymous wrote:It is not possible to change the password without resetting all progress from within the game. You should be able to change the password by decrypting the save file (search the forums for a redshirt decrypter), but I don't think it is worth it, because you are likely to fail early and often until you get the hang of the game. I wouldn't worry about losing progress too much, since failure is permanent. Just create a new user and delete the one with the sensitive password. As an aside, I would also suggest that using one password for everything is a very, very bad idea.

Do you really not do that? Sure, we all know it's a bad idea, but we just shrug it off and do it still. I only have two passwords that I don't use anywhere else, and those are my email password and bank account password. The important ones, basically. All others are one of three common passwords that I have no problem remembering; though I still need to change that because of Heartbleed (procrastination, yay!)

The only sane way I can imagine for using a unique password for every website, is to use a password manager. How can you trust that? Should your harddrive fail, will you lose all access to all your services? Sure, you might have backups, but anything could happen. Your house might get caught in a huge fire while you're away on vacation, and all its contents (which includes all your backups) get destroyed; sure, your online passwords wouldn't be the first thing on your mind should that happen, but eventually, it will matter.

As long as you don't use the same password for your sensitive accounts as you do with your anywhere-you-ever-need-to-sign-up accounts, you should be fine.

Re: How do I change my account password?

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 6:21 pm
by mr_anonymous
I am not as good about it as I should be, but I do use unique passwords for almost everything important, with the caveat that "unique" means that I have a 7 character password that came from /dev/random about 10 years ago, to which I add 5-10 characters based on the service for which I am registering. For instance, my banking password might be something like [random string]+b4ankIng.

I also don't use this prefix for everything. For instance, the password to this account---a sock puppet that I maybe don't care that much about---has a password that might be vulnerable to a dictionary attack. I generally don't bother with secure passwords for things where no money is involved (i.e. my password was trivial, and I use the password "password" for a lot of things that I really don't care about). Even if I thought that Uplink were online, I would use a trivial password for it, since it is a game, and no money is changing hands.

Re: how doi add my bank ip to uplink

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 2:34 am
by obah
how can i add my bank ip to uplink?