Suggestion: new "restricted area" zone

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Suggestion: new "restricted area" zone

Postby Robbedem » Thu Apr 16, 2015 11:12 am

I would like a zone option for "restricted acces" (it's not staff only, but a restricted area only allowed passage for prisoners with supervision of a guard in deployment or patrol that need to pass there for their job, visitation or parole), so that I can have min sec prisoners collect metal sheets from deliveries, logs from the forestry, bring produced goods to the export zone, help cooks to get food, get new clothes.It would allow parole and visitation rooms to be more seperated from the rest of the prison for safety reasons.

Currently this is only possible by setting the whole zone to min sec, but that allows all min-sec prisoners to wander to places on times they shouldn't be there to collect contraband thrown over the walls.

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