Freeze after about 5 minutes of playing

General chit-chat and minor questions about just about anything

Moderator: NBJeff

Posts: 1
Joined: Tue May 13, 2014 1:53 pm

Freeze after about 5 minutes of playing

Postby HCStrike » Fri Aug 04, 2017 10:26 am


I have an issue where I play for about 5 minutes on a prison and then it freezes and I have to go into task manager to shut it down. It only seems to happen on this certain prison at the moment but it has happened on others. Here is my debug.txt:

update-12b pc steam compiled 14:11:04, Jul 3 2017
Steam Breakpad Build Id: 3001202
Loading Preferences from C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/preferences.txt
BEGIN DataRegistry DUMP:
ScreenW [int] 1920
ScreenH [int] 1080
ScreenWindowed [bool] 0
ScreenHighDPI [bool] 0
ScreenMultiSampled [bool] 0
ScreenSuperSampled [bool] 0
SoundMixFrequency [int] 22050
SoundVolume [int] 69
SoundSwapStereo [bool] 0
SoundEnableDsp [bool] 1
RenderRooms [bool] 1
RecentMap [string]
FirstTime [bool] 0
AutoSaveTimer [int] 5
HardwareCompat [int] 0
LastKnownVersion [string] update-12b-pc-steam
FlashMobYear [int] 0
RegistrationShown [bool] 1
TimeLapseCamera [int] 0
TimeLapseInterval [int] 1
TimeLapseFPSNumerator [int] 60
TimeLapseFPSDenominator [int] 1
TimeLapseQuality [int] 63
Mods [string] Better Clock Mod,The Copy-Paste Mod,Grants Mod,Clearer Needs Icons,Extra Starting money,Functional Objects,Evacuation,Centered Office Chair,Expanded Quick Build,Money Mod,Instant Riot Mod
LastSubCheck [int] 0
UiScale [float] 1.00
EnabledVBOs [bool] 0
ForumId [int] 0
SteamUser [bool] 1
V2Gui [bool] 1
ZoomToMouse [bool] 1
OneClickRapsheet [bool] 1
ClockType [int] 0
DisableAnalytics [bool] 0
MotdId [string]
NameInGameHash [string] "9cc665-54c4eae7a5baf"
LoadCJKFonts [bool] 1
Language [string] english
TempInC [bool] 1
END DataRegistry DUMP:
WindowManager attempting to create window at 1920x1080 fullscreen
OpenGL Vendor : Intel
OpenGL Renderer : Intel(R) HD Graphics 520
OpenGL Version : 4.4.0 - Build
OpenGL GLSL : 4.40 - Build
Windows 8.1 Per-monitor DPI reported: 144 x 144
Parsing archive main.dat...
Parsing archive at path 'main.dat'
Parsing archive sounds.dat...
Parsing archive at path 'sounds.dat'
Using Native Win32 Condition Variables
There are 44 mod sub directories
Compiled with libpng libpng version 1.6.19 - November 12, 2015
(Running with version 1.6.29)
libpng error: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
OpenGL using glGenerateMipmaps to generate mipmaps.
Loading user sprite images for path: C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/783224551/data/sprites.png
Loading user sprite images for path: C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/590093520/data/sprites.png
Loading user sprite images for path: C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/627880820/data/sprites.png
libpng error: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
Loading user sprite images for path: data/sprites.png
Failed to get sprites.png for data/sprites.png
PackRectangles (1 spaces) packing 3 rectangles
WorldRenderer::LoadUserSpriteImages Compositing image C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/627880820/data/sprites.png (320 x 128) to 2048, 1920
WorldRenderer::LoadUserSpriteImages Compositing image C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/783224551/data/sprites.png (192 x 64) to 2368, 1984
WorldRenderer::LoadUserSpriteImages Compositing image C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/590093520/data/sprites.png (32 x 32) to 2560, 2016
Created FrameBuffer of size 64 x 64 in 0ms
Object spritebank composite took 1603ms
Warning: Loading a very high res image (2688x128)
Warning: mipmaps requested for non-power-of-two image (2688x128), will break on OpenGL ES
libpng error: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
[SteamWrapper] SteamAPI is initialised.
[SteamAchievementsWrapper] Waiting for Steam Achievement service? Yes
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Failed to get item definition array size
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::ListPublishedFiles] Listing published files from index 0
Parsing archive collectables.dat...
Parsing archive at path 'collectables.dat'
BiographyGenerator reading bios...
BiographyGenerator read 27 fornames, 235 surnames, 48 crimes
BiographyGenerator reading Names in the Game...
BiographyGenerator read 26293 Names in the Game (including 83 Faces in the game)
Curl version libcurl/7.46.0
MessageQueue HTTPThread (331D01F8) running.
Initialising SDL Audio:
Frequency: 22050
Format: 32784
Channels: 2
Samples: 512
Size of Stereo Sample: 4
SoundSystem started : 22050Hz x 64 sound channels (including 8 music channels)
Requesting message-of-the-day...
Couldn't open unicode language file C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/479040269/data/language/fullgame.txt
Detected encoding UTF8 for file C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/479040269/data/language/base-language.txt
Loaded in 7 strings
Couldn't open unicode hyphenation file C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/479040269/data/language/hyphenations.txt
Couldn't open unicode language file C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/783224551/data/language/fullgame.txt
Detected encoding UTF8 for file C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/783224551/data/language/base-language.txt
Loaded in 13 strings
Couldn't open unicode hyphenation file C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/783224551/data/language/hyphenations.txt
Couldn't open unicode language file C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/208612813/data/language/fullgame.txt
Detected encoding UTF8 for file C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/208612813/data/language/base-language.txt
Loaded in 109 strings
Couldn't open unicode hyphenation file C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/208612813/data/language/hyphenations.txt
Couldn't open unicode language file C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/361351693/data/language/fullgame.txt
Detected encoding UTF8 for file C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/361351693/data/language/base-language.txt
Loaded in 112 strings
Couldn't open unicode hyphenation file C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/361351693/data/language/hyphenations.txt
Couldn't open unicode language file C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/590093520/data/language/fullgame.txt
Detected encoding UTF8 for file C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/590093520/data/language/base-language.txt
Loaded in 128 strings
Couldn't open unicode hyphenation file C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/590093520/data/language/hyphenations.txt
Couldn't open unicode language file C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/627880820/data/language/fullgame.txt
Detected encoding UTF8 for file C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/627880820/data/language/base-language.txt
Loaded in 131 strings
Couldn't open unicode hyphenation file C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/627880820/data/language/hyphenations.txt
Couldn't open unicode language file C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/642989893/data/language/fullgame.txt
Detected encoding UTF8 for file C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/642989893/data/language/base-language.txt
Loaded in 155 strings
Couldn't open unicode hyphenation file C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/642989893/data/language/hyphenations.txt
Couldn't open unicode language file C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/559550834/data/language/fullgame.txt
Detected encoding UTF8 for file C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/559550834/data/language/base-language.txt
Loaded in 158 strings
Couldn't open unicode hyphenation file C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/559550834/data/language/hyphenations.txt
Couldn't open unicode language file C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/563159299/data/language/fullgame.txt
Detected encoding UTF8 for file C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/563159299/data/language/base-language.txt
Loaded in 168 strings
Couldn't open unicode hyphenation file C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/563159299/data/language/hyphenations.txt
Detected encoding UTF8 for file data/language/fullgame.txt
Loaded in 916 strings
Detected encoding UTF8 for file data/language/base-language.txt
Loaded in 3808 strings
Couldn't open unicode hyphenation file data/language/hyphenations.txt
Warning: Failed to load BMFont font data/fonts/verdana-bold.fnt
Warning: Failed to load BMFont font data/fonts/verdana-bold-outlined.fnt
Fonts loaded in 396ms
OpenGL Max texture Size 16384 x 16384 [192 tex units]
Multisampled Framebuffer support : yes
Supersampling support at screen res 1920 x 1080 : yes
Loading page 0 of bitmap font data/fonts/catalogue.fnt.
== NEW MAP ===
World Initialised to size 100 x 80 cells
MaterialLibrary reading from 'C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/783224551/data/materials.txt'
Added custom sprite copyTopLeft_1 with index 754 (spritebank index 754) having 0 markers
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'copyTopLeft', assigned type 187
Added custom sprite copyBottomRight_2 with index 755 (spritebank index 755) having 0 markers
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'copyBottomRight', assigned type 188
Added custom sprite pasteTopLeft_3 with index 756 (spritebank index 756) having 0 markers
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'pasteTopLeft', assigned type 189
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'WORLD_ANCHOR', assigned type 190
MaterialLibrary reading from 'C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/590093520/data/materials.txt'
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'EvacuationAlarm', assigned type 191
Added custom sprite Evacuate1_4 with index 757 (spritebank index 757) having 0 markers
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'Evacuate1', assigned type 192
Added custom sprite Evacuate2_5 with index 758 (spritebank index 758) having 0 markers
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'Evacuate2', assigned type 193
Added custom sprite Evacuate3_6 with index 759 (spritebank index 759) having 0 markers
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'Evacuate3', assigned type 194
Added custom sprite Evacuate4_7 with index 760 (spritebank index 760) having 0 markers
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'Evacuate4', assigned type 195
Added custom sprite Evacuate5_8 with index 761 (spritebank index 761) having 0 markers
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'Evacuate5', assigned type 196
Added custom sprite Evacuate6_9 with index 762 (spritebank index 762) having 0 markers
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'Evacuate6', assigned type 197
Added custom sprite Evacuate7_10 with index 763 (spritebank index 763) having 0 markers
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'Evacuate7', assigned type 198
Added custom sprite EvacuateO1_11 with index 764 (spritebank index 764) having 0 markers
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'EvacuateO1', assigned type 199
Added custom sprite EvacuateO2_12 with index 765 (spritebank index 765) having 0 markers
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'EvacuateO2', assigned type 200
Added custom sprite EvacuateO3_13 with index 766 (spritebank index 766) having 0 markers
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'EvacuateO3', assigned type 201
Added custom sprite EvacuateO4_14 with index 767 (spritebank index 767) having 0 markers
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'EvacuateO4', assigned type 202
Added custom sprite EvacuateO5_15 with index 768 (spritebank index 768) having 0 markers
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'EvacuateO5', assigned type 203
Added custom sprite EvacuateO6_16 with index 769 (spritebank index 769) having 0 markers
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'EvacuateO6', assigned type 204
Added custom sprite EvacuateO7_17 with index 770 (spritebank index 770) having 0 markers
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'EvacuateO7', assigned type 205
MaterialLibrary reading from 'C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/627880820/data/materials.txt'
Added custom sprite CenteredOfficeChair_18 with index 771 (spritebank index 771) having 0 markers
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'CenteredOfficeChair', assigned type 206
MaterialLibrary reading from 'C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/563159299/data/materials.txt'
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'sambotdefensive', assigned type 207
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'InstantRiot', assigned type 208
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'InstantEscape', assigned type 209
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'InstantFight', assigned type 210
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'InstantCalm', assigned type 211
MaterialLibrary reading from 'data/materials.txt'
ReformProgramManager reading from data/reform_programs.txt...
DataRegistry Warning : Failed to match enum value 'calming'
GridRoutingSystem(20C98290) constructed.
Grid Navigation System initialised
GridRoutingSystem created Route Work-In-Progress and CellInfo (size 562Kb)
EscapeMap Initialised : 62Kb
Lightmap initialised in 0ms : 93Kb
Weathermap initialised in 0ms : 187Kb
Danger initialised : 62Kb
Patrol System Initialised : 218Kb
libpng error: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
Gang System Initialised
Created FrameBuffer of size 512 x 512 in 3ms
Water System Initialised : 593Kb
PowerSystem initialised : 62Kb
Reading production.txt...
PolaroidSystem has 177 polaroids in the database
ScriptSystem initialised in 0ms
Parsing LUA script 'C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/208612813/data/grants.lua'
ScriptSystem initialised in 0ms
Parsing LUA script 'C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/361351693/data/grants.lua'
ScriptSystem initialised in 0ms
Parsing LUA script 'C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/559550834/data/grants.lua'
ScriptSystem initialised in 0ms
Parsing LUA script 'data/grants.lua'
ConstructionSystem reading from 'C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/642989893/data/prefabs.txt'
DataRegistry Warning : Failed to match enum value 'Utilities'
DataRegistry Warning : Failed to match enum value 'Utilities'
DataRegistry Warning : Failed to match enum value 'Utilities'
ConstructionSystem reading from 'data/prefabs.txt'
ERROR : Failed to load job file 'data/jobs.txt'
ScriptSystem initialised in 0ms
Parsing LUA script 'C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/783224551/data/world.lua'
Generating new world...
Create starting world done...
Saving Preferences to C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/preferences.txt
Save successful!
FoodSystem Recalculate took 0.0ms
UpdateNITG: Latest nitg is 10525233 bytes long with ETag "a09a31-555e76ad70d22"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnListPublishedFiles] Starting subscribed files listing
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::ListSubscribedFiles] Listing published files from index 0
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Getting list of item definition ids
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Found 6 item definition ids
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Finding properties for item id 100
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 100 got property appid = 233450
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 100 got property itemdefid = 100
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 100 got property Timestamp = 201
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 100 got property modified = 201
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 100 got property type = ite
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 100 got property display_type =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 100 got property name =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 100 got property quantity =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 100 got property description =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 100 got property background_color =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 100 got property icon_url =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 100 got property icon_url_large =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 100 got property name_color =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 100 got property tradable =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 100 got property marketable =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 100 got property commodity =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 100 got property drop_interval =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 100 got property workshopid =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 100 got property item_name =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 100 got property item_quality =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 100 got property item_slot =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 100 got property market_hash_name =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 100 got property market_name =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 100 got property proper_name =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Finding properties for item id 101
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 101 got property appid = 233450
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 101 got property itemdefid = 101
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 101 got property Timestamp = 201
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 101 got property modified = 201
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 101 got property type = ite
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 101 got property display_type =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 101 got property name =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 101 got property quantity =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 101 got property description =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 101 got property background_color =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 101 got property icon_url =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 101 got property icon_url_large =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 101 got property name_color =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 101 got property tradable =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 101 got property marketable =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 101 got property commodity =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 101 got property drop_interval =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 101 got property workshopid =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 101 got property item_name =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 101 got property item_quality =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 101 got property item_slot =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 101 got property market_hash_name =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 101 got property market_name =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 101 got property proper_name =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Finding properties for item id 102
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 102 got property appid = 233450
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 102 got property itemdefid = 102
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 102 got property Timestamp = 201
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 102 got property modified = 201
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 102 got property type = ite
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 102 got property display_type =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 102 got property name =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 102 got property quantity =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 102 got property description =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 102 got property background_color =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 102 got property icon_url =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 102 got property icon_url_large =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 102 got property name_color =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 102 got property tradable =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 102 got property marketable =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 102 got property commodity =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 102 got property drop_interval =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 102 got property workshopid =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 102 got property item_name =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 102 got property item_quality =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 102 got property item_slot =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 102 got property market_hash_name =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 102 got property market_name =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 102 got property proper_name =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Finding properties for item id 103
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 103 got property appid = 233450
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 103 got property itemdefid = 103
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 103 got property Timestamp = 201
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 103 got property modified = 201
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 103 got property type = ite
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 103 got property display_type =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 103 got property name =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 103 got property quantity =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 103 got property description =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 103 got property background_color =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 103 got property icon_url =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 103 got property icon_url_large =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 103 got property name_color =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 103 got property tradable =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 103 got property marketable =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 103 got property commodity =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 103 got property drop_interval =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 103 got property workshopid =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 103 got property item_name =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 103 got property item_quality =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 103 got property item_slot =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 103 got property market_hash_name =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 103 got property market_name =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 103 got property proper_name =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Finding properties for item id 104
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 104 got property appid = 233450
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 104 got property itemdefid = 104
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 104 got property Timestamp = 201
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 104 got property modified = 201
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 104 got property type = ite
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 104 got property display_type =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 104 got property name =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 104 got property quantity =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 104 got property description =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 104 got property background_color =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 104 got property icon_url =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 104 got property icon_url_large =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 104 got property name_color =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 104 got property tradable =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 104 got property marketable =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 104 got property commodity =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 104 got property drop_interval =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 104 got property workshopid =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 104 got property item_name =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 104 got property item_quality =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 104 got property item_slot =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 104 got property market_hash_name =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 104 got property market_name =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 104 got property proper_name =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Finding properties for item id 105
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 105 got property appid = 233450
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 105 got property itemdefid = 105
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 105 got property Timestamp = 201
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 105 got property modified = 201
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 105 got property type = ite
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 105 got property display_type =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 105 got property name =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 105 got property quantity =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 105 got property description =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 105 got property background_color =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 105 got property icon_url =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 105 got property icon_url_large =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 105 got property name_color =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 105 got property tradable =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 105 got property marketable =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 105 got property commodity =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 105 got property drop_interval =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 105 got property workshopid =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 105 got property item_name =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 105 got property item_quality =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 105 got property item_slot =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 105 got property market_hash_name =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 105 got property market_name =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::Init] Item 105 got property proper_name =
[SteamInventoryWrapper::OnSteamInventoryUpdate] Getting result items
[SteamInventoryWrapper::OnSteamInventoryUpdate] Found 0 result items
[SteamAchievementsWrapper::OnUserStatsReceived] Got an OK from Steam achievements
[SteamInventoryWrapper::OnSteamInventoryUpdate] Getting result items
[SteamInventoryWrapper::OnSteamInventoryUpdate] Found 0 result items
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnListSubscribedFiles] Listing more files from startIndex 50
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::ListSubscribedFiles] Listing published files from index 50
[SteamInventoryWrapper::OnSteamInventoryUpdate] Getting result items
[SteamInventoryWrapper::OnSteamInventoryUpdate] Found 0 result items
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnListSubscribedFiles] Getting file details
WorldRenderer: vexCellTypes initialised in 0ms : 16000 triangles (vex,tex), 0.9 MBytes
ShaderOpenGL successfully compiled : LightMapNoColour
ShaderOpenGL successfully compiled : LightMap
WorldRenderer: vexCell2ndLayer initialised in 1ms : 16000 triangles (vex,tex), 0.9 MBytes
ShaderOpenGL successfully compiled : LightMapNoTexture
WorldRenderer: vexDetails initialised in 1ms : 16000 triangles (vex,tex,col), 1.1 MBytes
ShaderOpenGL successfully compiled : SunShadows
WorldRenderer: vexFowBlueprint initialised in 2ms : 16000 triangles (vex,tex), 0.9 MBytes
ShaderOpenGL successfully compiled : VisMap
Waited for prerender group to finish for 0.000000 seconds
libpng error: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
Warning: mipmaps requested for non-power-of-two image (1000x1000), will break on OpenGL ES
Warning: mipmaps requested for non-power-of-two image (359x436), will break on OpenGL ES
Saving Preferences to C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/preferences.txt
Save successful!
Waited for prerender group to finish for 0.000001 seconds
Performance: Waited 0.000000 s or Update Thread to complete.
SectorSystem check: There are 1 new sectors.
Performance: Waited 0.000000 s or Update Thread to complete.
LaundrySystem Recalculate took 0.0ms
Performance: Waited 0.000001 s or Update Thread to complete.
Waited for prerender group to finish for 0.000002 seconds
Waited for prerender group to finish for 0.000003 seconds
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "High Security Prison"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "The Penaldome"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Fort Mischief Correctional Facility (Now with 100x the gang-warfare!)"
Waited for prerender group to finish for 0.000003 seconds
Waited for prerender group to finish for 0.000004 seconds
Performance: Waited 0.000001 s or Update Thread to complete.
FoodSystem Recalculate took 0.0ms
Performance: Waited 0.000002 s or Update Thread to complete.
LaundrySystem Recalculate took 0.0ms
FoodSystem Recalculate took 0.0ms
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "King's Landing [Game of Thrones]"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Hard to escape small prison"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Easy (Ish) escape mode."
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Tower of London"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Perfect Star [0-1% Re-offend!]"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Quick Instant Prisoner"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Tree Of Life [Reform Prison]"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Guard Tower Mod"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "COLOSEUM PRISON"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Iglum State Lockup"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Staff deployed by truck with Armed Guards and Dog Handlers"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "BlastDoor"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Clearer Needs Icons"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Strance Hold Prison"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Prison 1: Beta v1"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Failed: Bad result: 15
Waited for prerender group to finish for 0.000008 seconds
Waited for prerender group to finish for 0.000013 seconds
Waited for prerender group to finish for 0.000019 seconds
Performance: Waited 0.000003 s or Update Thread to complete.
Waited for prerender group to finish for 0.000961 seconds
Performance: Waited 0.006121 s or Update Thread to complete.
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Tweaked Staff Food"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Centered Office Chair"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "The Copy-Paste Mod"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Apartment Prison"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Emergency prison rebuild mod"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Advanced Roads"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Road Sensors"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Grants Mod"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Aviation"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Recycling"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Easier Reform Programs"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "checkpoint"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "The Greater Reform Mod"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Shield Payday 2"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Escape Me-Updated"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "The Bottle - Final"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Roll call"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Evacuation"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Developer (dev) Utility Mod for Prisoner/Gang/Objects"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Escape from Parris Island"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Orso's Masterpiece"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "The Snitch Sorter"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Bulldozer Payday 2"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Always Pass Reform Programs"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Contraband room mod"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "No More Hungry Staff & Fixed Common Rooms Mod"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Extra Starting money"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Gangs, Supports Escape Mode"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Escape Mode Castle"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Summer Slam"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Better Clock Mod"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Limo Garage"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Expanded Quick Build"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Unlimited Callouts"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "escapemode v.2"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Materials+"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Money Mod"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Simple Garden Mod"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Functional Objects"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Ping-Pong!"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Krunchy_Peanut_Butter's Prison | From Alpha 25 to Now! - New updates to come | Escape Mode."
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Harbourside Prison"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "{All-in-One Deluxe Edition}"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "More Detailed Guards"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Freefire Zones"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "GlassWall Mod v0.6"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Callout to soldiers!"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Instant Riot Mod"
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnGetFileDetails] Adding file details for "Arcade Silencer"
Waited for prerender group to finish for 0.001053 seconds
Waited for prerender group to finish for 0.001763 seconds
Waited for prerender group to finish for 0.002135 seconds
Waited for prerender group to finish for 0.002548 seconds
FoodSystem Recalculate took 0.0ms
Waited for prerender group to finish for 0.005185 seconds
Waited for prerender group to finish for 0.005535 seconds
FoodSystem Recalculate took 0.4ms
Waited for prerender group to finish for 0.006198 seconds
Waited for prerender group to finish for 0.006764 seconds
Performance: Waited 0.007321 s or Update Thread to complete.
Performance: Waited 0.007940 s or Update Thread to complete.
LaundrySystem Recalculate took 0.1ms
Waited for prerender group to finish for 0.016349 seconds
Performance: Waited 0.015536 s or Update Thread to complete.
Warning: mipmaps requested for non-power-of-two image (1105x700), will break on OpenGL ES
WARNING: Failed to activate checkbox 'SortBy'
WARNING: Failed to activate checkbox 'SortBy'
WARNING: Failed to activate checkbox 'SortBy'
WARNING in Image constructor : Failed to open file 'saves/Small.png'
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnCloudReadComplete] We read a file from the cloud with result: 1
Saving Preferences to C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/preferences.txt
Save successful!
[SteamWorkshopWrapper::OnCloudReadComplete] We read a file from the cloud with result: 1
Destroying FrameBuffer of size 512 x 512
GridRoutingSystem(20C98290) destroyed.
ShaderOpenGL TODO : Destroy method
ShaderOpenGL TODO : Destroy method
ShaderOpenGL TODO : Destroy method
ShaderOpenGL TODO : Destroy method
ShaderOpenGL TODO : Destroy method
== LOAD MAP ==
Loading map from 'saves/Small.prison'...
World Initialised to size 200 x 160 cells
MaterialLibrary reading from 'C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/783224551/data/materials.txt'
Added custom sprite copyTopLeft_19 with index 754 (spritebank index 754) having 0 markers
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'copyTopLeft', assigned type 187
Added custom sprite copyBottomRight_20 with index 755 (spritebank index 755) having 0 markers
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'copyBottomRight', assigned type 188
Added custom sprite pasteTopLeft_21 with index 756 (spritebank index 756) having 0 markers
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'pasteTopLeft', assigned type 189
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'WORLD_ANCHOR', assigned type 190
MaterialLibrary reading from 'C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/590093520/data/materials.txt'
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'EvacuationAlarm', assigned type 191
Added custom sprite Evacuate1_22 with index 757 (spritebank index 757) having 0 markers
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'Evacuate1', assigned type 192
Added custom sprite Evacuate2_23 with index 758 (spritebank index 758) having 0 markers
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'Evacuate2', assigned type 193
Added custom sprite Evacuate3_24 with index 759 (spritebank index 759) having 0 markers
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'Evacuate3', assigned type 194
Added custom sprite Evacuate4_25 with index 760 (spritebank index 760) having 0 markers
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'Evacuate4', assigned type 195
Added custom sprite Evacuate5_26 with index 761 (spritebank index 761) having 0 markers
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'Evacuate5', assigned type 196
Added custom sprite Evacuate6_27 with index 762 (spritebank index 762) having 0 markers
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'Evacuate6', assigned type 197
Added custom sprite Evacuate7_28 with index 763 (spritebank index 763) having 0 markers
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'Evacuate7', assigned type 198
Added custom sprite EvacuateO1_29 with index 764 (spritebank index 764) having 0 markers
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'EvacuateO1', assigned type 199
Added custom sprite EvacuateO2_30 with index 765 (spritebank index 765) having 0 markers
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'EvacuateO2', assigned type 200
Added custom sprite EvacuateO3_31 with index 766 (spritebank index 766) having 0 markers
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'EvacuateO3', assigned type 201
Added custom sprite EvacuateO4_32 with index 767 (spritebank index 767) having 0 markers
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'EvacuateO4', assigned type 202
Added custom sprite EvacuateO5_33 with index 768 (spritebank index 768) having 0 markers
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'EvacuateO5', assigned type 203
Added custom sprite EvacuateO6_34 with index 769 (spritebank index 769) having 0 markers
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'EvacuateO6', assigned type 204
Added custom sprite EvacuateO7_35 with index 770 (spritebank index 770) having 0 markers
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'EvacuateO7', assigned type 205
MaterialLibrary reading from 'C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/627880820/data/materials.txt'
Added custom sprite CenteredOfficeChair_36 with index 771 (spritebank index 771) having 0 markers
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'CenteredOfficeChair', assigned type 206
MaterialLibrary reading from 'C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/563159299/data/materials.txt'
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'sambotdefensive', assigned type 207
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'InstantRiot', assigned type 208
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'InstantEscape', assigned type 209
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'InstantFight', assigned type 210
MaterialLibrary found new custom Object 'InstantCalm', assigned type 211
MaterialLibrary reading from 'data/materials.txt'
ReformProgramManager reading from data/reform_programs.txt...
GridRoutingSystem(20C90CC0) constructed.
Grid Navigation System initialised
GridRoutingSystem created Route Work-In-Progress and CellInfo (size 2250Kb)
EscapeMap Initialised : 250Kb
==OPENGL==> [location 'Bitmap::ConvertToTexture Before Texture Creation'] error code 0x501 (invalid value)
Lightmap initialised in 5ms : 375Kb
Weathermap initialised in 0ms : 750Kb
Danger initialised : 250Kb
Patrol System Initialised : 875Kb
Gang System Initialised
Created FrameBuffer of size 512 x 512 in 0ms
Water System Initialised : 2375Kb
PowerSystem initialised : 250Kb
Reading production.txt...
PolaroidSystem has 177 polaroids in the database
ScriptSystem initialised in 0ms
Parsing LUA script 'C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/208612813/data/grants.lua'
ScriptSystem initialised in 0ms
Parsing LUA script 'C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/361351693/data/grants.lua'
ScriptSystem initialised in 0ms
Parsing LUA script 'C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/559550834/data/grants.lua'
ScriptSystem initialised in 0ms
Parsing LUA script 'data/grants.lua'
ConstructionSystem reading from 'C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/642989893/data/prefabs.txt'
DataRegistry Warning : Failed to match enum value 'Utilities'
DataRegistry Warning : Failed to match enum value 'Utilities'
DataRegistry Warning : Failed to match enum value 'Utilities'
ConstructionSystem reading from 'data/prefabs.txt'
ERROR : Failed to load job file 'data/jobs.txt'
ScriptSystem initialised in 0ms
Parsing LUA script 'C:\Users\harry\AppData\Local/Introversion/Prison Architect/mods/783224551/data/world.lua'
loaded providers - 2117
Failed to find FastLList HighPriority
SectorSystem check: No changes found.
FoodSystem Recalculate took 0.5ms
Load completed in 1555ms (435ms to read file, 1120ms to parse data)
WorldRenderer: vexCellTypes initialised in 3ms : 64000 triangles (vex,tex), 3.7 MBytes
ShaderOpenGL successfully compiled : LightMapNoColour
ShaderOpenGL successfully compiled : LightMap
WorldRenderer: vexCell2ndLayer initialised in 3ms : 64000 triangles (vex,tex), 3.7 MBytes
ShaderOpenGL successfully compiled : LightMapNoTexture
WorldRenderer: vexDetails initialised in 4ms : 64000 triangles (vex,tex,col), 4.4 MBytes
ShaderOpenGL successfully compiled : SunShadows
We need 3 new uniforms in the intake room.
LaundrySystem Recalculate took 0.1ms
FoodSystem Recalculate took 1.2ms
LaundrySystem Recalculate took 0.1ms
LaundrySystem Recalculate took 0.1ms
FoodSystem Recalculate took 1.5ms
FoodSystem Recalculate took 1.6ms
LaundrySystem Recalculate took 0.2ms
FoodSystem Recalculate took 2.1ms
LaundrySystem Recalculate took 0.4ms
FoodSystem Recalculate took 2.2ms
FoodSystem Recalculate took 2.7ms
FoodSystem Recalculate took 2.7ms
FoodSystem Recalculate took 3.1ms

LaundrySystem Recalculate took 0.6ms
LaundrySystem Recalculate took 0.7ms
Performance: Waited 0.017387 s or Update Thread to complete.
Misconduct system discarding report index 3149 because prisoner [3149 5619287] no longer exists
Misconduct system discarding report index 2074 because prisoner [2074 4916636] no longer exists
LaundrySystem Recalculate took 1.2ms


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