Bug Summary List - Read before posting please - 11/01/05

Problems with the Windows version of Darwinia

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Bug Summary List - Read before posting please - 11/01/05

Postby rob_quill » Mon Aug 30, 2004 1:14 am

OK, looks like I'll sort the bugs in this thread. At some point I may go through and add whether the bug has been replicated. But as it is I kinda have little faith in anyone reading this before they post, seeing as no-one reads anything it seems. But if you do read this, please say if there is anything you want done to the list, and feel free to thank me :wink:

Last updated: 11th Jan 2005, 13:30

Here is a list of the currently unreplicated bugs, so if you manage to recreate one of them, post in the appropriate forum and then preferably PM me, so I don't have to check all the forums to see.

Unreplicated Bugs

Squad Teleport Problems 3
Squad Teleport Problems 4
Darwinians leaving mine
Inifinte Engineers
Is there land there?
Spirit Harvesting
Objective Problems
Laser Problems

-- BETA 3 --

Engineers Stop Collecting Souls
Engineer Bridges
Combined Squads
Lasers goign through walls
No squad, but weapon sucess

-- PHASE 2 --
Objectives Problems
Level Restart Capture Problems
Misc Level Problems
Increased fire-rate
Port Lights
Inaccesable Workstations

-- BETA 4/5 --

Stuck Squad
Odd Radar/Darwinian Problem
Virii Stuck in Water
Ifinite Lopp with Officers
Low Image Quality Problem
Stuck Spider
Engineers Carrying Full Souls Can't Capture
Task Manager Drawing Bug
Reciever not Recieving
Issue with Virii and Engineers
Access to Biosphere

Rocket Collision With Pylons/Wires:

Issue: It seems that when rockets are fired by squads near pylons, the rockets don't go though the gap between the pylons but instead explode straight away.

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=308

Disobediant Darwinians

Issue: After a while, Darwinians appear not to follow orders as they shoud

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=239 and http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=157

Reversable Gestures

Issue: You can draw the gestures in reverse to how they should be drawn.

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=253

Darwinians not getting into the mine

Issue: The Darwinians will not fill the final empty terminal at the mine and instead, circle around and around it.

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=199

Swift mouse movement causing camera issues

Issue: Swift movement of the mouse causes the camera to shake uncontrolably.

Status: Replicated

Link http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=161

Squad Teleport Problems

Issue: Sending squads through the radar results in one of the squads being deleted but still be present in the level.

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=265

Squad Teleport Problems 2

Issue: Sending a squad through the radar results in one member arriving fine and the rest being left behind, humping the radar.

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=201

Squad Teleport Problems 3

Issue: Calling for an airstrike, then sending the squad into the teleporter results in the squad not being transformed into spirits, but remained as normal squadies, then didn't appear at the other radar.

Status: Unreplicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=341

Darwinians leaving mine

Issue: The darwinians leave the mine to fight the centipede, but the mine continues working when no-one is there

Status: Unreplicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=269

Air Srike Position

Issue: It seems the air-strikes lands slightly to far down in the direction the invaders are coming from, most often this is too far South.

Stauts: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=267

Unlimited Officer Programs

Issue: You can run as many of the officer creation programs as you like, despite the number of programs running limit.

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=130 and http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=240

Invincible Officers

Issue: It turns out officers have huge ammount of health and will die from about 3 rockets and quite a few grenades.

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=345

Swimming Officers

Issue: There is a point in the map where officers can walk accross water. The officers make it safely to the other side, but squads try to walk accross then die half way accross. It has been said elsewhere that Darwinians also die half way accross.

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=361

No Mouse Wheel?

Issue: Complain here if you don't have a mouse wheel, so can't zoom the camera.

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=189

Officers Can't Use Radars

Issue: Not a bug. It's meant to be like that. But just in case you thought it was...

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=159

Low FPS?

Issue: Bad FPS

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=167

Gesture Shortcuts

Issue: Gestures are still recognised, despite being much simpler than they should be.

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=252

Unit Selection Through Terrain

Issue: It is possible to select units through the terrain. Also, selecting a unit with the mouse always issues and order to move, resulting in engineers stopping thier current job. Only Engineers and Officers can be selected, not Squads.

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=243


Issue: If you want to complain about not being able to pause and/or save

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=228

Explosion Size

Issue: The explosion size is much larger when the weapon hits a building, rather than terrain.

Status: Repliated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=225

Repeated Messages

Issue: Certain help messages are constantly repeated

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=147 and http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=287

Squads Die In Radar Repositioning

Issue: Rotating a radar to face another radar, when a squad is half-way through travelling from one to the other causes them to die

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=212

Alt-Tab Problems?

Issue: If Alt-Tab just gives you the normal Windows Alt-Tab then look here

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=202

Stuck Squads

Issue: Squads sometimes get stuck up mountains

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=156

Inifinte Engineers

Issue: It is possible to break the task limit and make an unlimited number of engineers

Status: Unreplicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=182

Cart Collision Detection

Issue: The collision detection on the carts is bad. If you wanna complain, head here...

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=143

Stuck Virii

Issue: Somehow the virii get stuck and look like a large glowing circle

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=142

Officer order lines not disappearing

Issue: When pointed at the entrance of a radar, the officer order line doesn't disappear and so turns into a big blob. More of a Class C bug.

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=172 and http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=207

Inifinte Darwinian Exploit

Issue: By creating and deleting squads, then using Engineers to return the "souls" to an incubator, you can effectively create infinte Darwinians.

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=160

Inifinately High Camera

Issue: The camera can go infinately high

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=163

Radar Problems 1

Issue: Radars will not point were you ask them to

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=330

Radar Problems 2

Issue: It is possible to have multiple radar connections. Apprently this is a feature, not a bug.

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=302

Is there land there?

Issue: A path of land is shown between the second and third islands. If you see it, tell everyone here.

Status: Unreplicated, but cause it explained.

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=331

Spawn from partially reprogrammed buildings

Issue: It is possible to spawn units from a building which is only partially re-programmed.

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=329

Pylon Collision Dectectoin

Issue: Darwinians will circle a pylon, but in the case of the pylon ner the water, they will refuse to accept new orders. May be related to the Disobediant Darwinians bug.

Added: 02/09/04

Status: Replicated


Stacking Darwinians

Issue: Lots of Darwinains getting stacked together causes them not to obey orders from an officer.

Added: 02/09/04

Status: Replicated


Virii Atracted By Invaders

Issue: The virii try and follow the invaders as they cross the map and drop the air stike.

Added: 02/09/04

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=374

Secondary weapons usable in radar beam

Issue: It is possible to fire the squad's secondary weapon whilst in the radar.

Added: 02/09/04

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=372

Squad Teleport Problems 4

Issue: By changing where the radar is pointed, squad are "thrown" past they radar they shouldcome out of and fall in ther water and die

Added: 02/09/04

Status: Unreplicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=378

Can do gestures anywhere on the gesure screen

Issue: It is possible to draw the gestures anywhere on the gesture screen, not just in the circle. May not be a bug

Added: 02/09/04

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=176

Secondary weapons don't work

Issue: The secondary weapons will not fire if the pointer is off a part of the map.

Added: 02/09/04

Status: Replicated


Pathfinding problems

Issue: Pathfinding is rather crude. Not really a bug, as more of an observation. It exaplains the "humping" effect seen when units go around buildings.

Added: 02/09/04

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=386

Alt-Space issues

Issue: Holding Alt to get the gesture screen then pressing space to get rid of a message results in a pop-up box being displayed, as Alt-Space is a windows key combination. Should've added this ages ago, but didn't think it was that serious.

Added: 02/09/04

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=138

Gesture Problems

Issue: If you partially draw a gesture then let go of Alt, the next time you bring up the gesture screen it will remember what you had previous drawn and add that to what you are drawing now.

Added: 02/09/04

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=333

Passive Centipedes/Spiders

Issue: Engineers are not killed by centipedes or spiders. IMHO not a bug.

Added: 02/09/04

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?p=564

Spirit Harvesting

Issue: It appears that sometimes engineers will not pick up a full set of spirits before going back to the incubator

Added: 02/09/04

Status: Unreplicated


Engineer safe-haven

Issue: Engineers are not killed whilst reprogramming buildings

Added: 02/09/04

Status: Replicated


Shaking Radar

Issue: Radars will sometimes shake and refuse to make a connection

Added: 02/09/04

Status: Replicated

Link:http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=401 and also http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=360

Spider Collision Detection

Issue: It seems spiders don't obey collision detection.

Added: 02/09/04

Status: Replicated

Link:[ulr]http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=368[/url] and http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=445

Collision Detection Issues

Issue: There seems to be collision detection issues with certain units, but especially with engineers. Maybe a Class C bug.

Added: 14/09/04

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=453

Objective Problems

Issue: After you have completed the primary objective, it is still possible to view the instructions for the primary objective again.

Added: 14/09/04

Status: Unreplicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=460

Engineer Left Behind

Issue: An engineer which had been Ctrl-C'ed was still fully useable and visible, depite the explosion having taking place. However, the program was no longer in the task manager. Possilby related to the Infinite Engineer bug.

Added: 14/09/04

Status: Unreplicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=462

Menu Problems

Issue: The menu system does not work well when running at low FPS.

Added: 14/09/04

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=459

Laser Problems

Issue: It seems that lasers can come from the wrong direction

Added: 14/09/04

Status: Unreplicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=463

Officer Pathfinding

Issue: When you send an officer through the radar, they will try to walk back to where they were last told to go, and will walk underwater to get there.

Added: 28/10/04

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=521

Engineers Stop Collecting Souls

Issue: For some reason Engineers will stop going and collection souls, even if they are carrying none.

Added: 28/10/04

Status: Unreplicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=544

Fly-by Cursor

Issue: During the refinery fly-by iy is possible to move the cursor in the normal in-game way. Not sure whether this applies to toher fly-bys.

Added: 01/11/04

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=570

Combined Squads

Issue: If you sent 2 aquads through the same radar to different destinations then the squads combine.

Added: 01/11/04

Status: Unreplicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=573

Engineer Bridges

Issue: You can make extra long bridges by terminating engineers at nodes.

Added: 01/11/04

Status: Unreplicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=584

Squad Bridge Issues

Issue: If you send a squad through a bridge and terminate it while it is in transfer, the program disappears from your task list, but they remain active, and you can't control them.

Added: 06/11/04

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=586

Gesture Issues

Issue: If you have any complaints about the gesture system in genereal then say so here.

Added: 06/11/04

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=579

Officer Command Range Issues

Issue: Here you can say what you think about the influence ranges of the follow and go-to orders.

Added: 10/11/04

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=600

Officer and Darwinians Entering Water

Issue: There seems to be clipping issues related to officers, darwinians and the water in general. Sometimes officiers can alk over water, or walk a bit into the water and don't die, etc etc.

Added: 10/11/04

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=611

Incubator Birth Rate Problem

Issue: It seems that the incubator treats each engineers drop off as a seperate task, therefore if two engineers drop souls off in quick sucession, the darwinians will come out, almost in pairs.

Added: 10/11/04

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=601

High Speed Camera

Issue: When moving the camera close to a monster on the third island, it will move super-fast back so that you can baerly see the sky and the map below it.

Added: 14/11/04

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=575

Help messages not logged

Issue: The help messages are not logged in Beta 3, whereas they were in Beta 1 and Beta 2.

Added: 14/11/04

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=597

Buggy Darwinian AI

Issue: Darwinians have a tendancy not to think about where they throw thier grenades. Maybe not a bug.

Added: 14/11/04

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=557

Splitting Squads

Issue: Sometimes a squad will split into 2 groups and it will be possible to control them both individually.

Added: 14/11/04

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=654

Invincible Triffid

Issue: It appears that the last triffid is invincible, and the triffids also have some grpahical glitches

Added: 17/11/04

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=598

Ineffective Lasers

Issue: This may be a Mac only problem, but lasers had become ineffective.

Added: 17/11/04

Status: Replicated (but only by the same person who found it)

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=652

Lasers goign through walls

Issue: It appears that in certain situations, lasers can go through walls. May be related to "magical laser appears out of thin air" bug.

Added: 17/11/04

Status: Unreplicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=682

Airstrike Bomber Clipping Issues

Issue: There doesn't seem to be any collision detection for the airstrike bombers, and they will go through any structure or terrain which is high enough.

Added: 17/11/04

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=672

Squads Stuck on Mountains

Issue: After sending a squad through a radar, they sometimes get stuck on a mountain.

Added: 17/11/04

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=156

Partially Built Bridge Problems

Issue: For some reason, squads qould die when using the bridge

Added: 17/11/04

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=690

Gesture failure

Issue: Sometimes syntax errors are given even though the confidence and deivence are good enough

Added: 17/11/04

Status: Unreplicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=689

Negative research

Issue: It is possible for the research to be a negative number

Added: 17/11/04

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=715

Broken Cursor

Issue: In certain circumstances the cursor can become incorrect

Added: 17/11/04

Status: Unreplicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=726

Triffid Range and Follow Command issues

Issue: Triffids will only fire in you destroy something in a cerain range of them, and there are issues with the officer follow commands

Added: 17/11/04

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=724

No squad, but weapon sucess

Issue: If you do a gesture for a weapon when you don't have any squads and it suceeds, then it says syntax error, but you get the sucess sound.

Added: 17/11/04

Status: Unreplicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=732

Objective Problems

Issue: According to elDiablo "On "Containment", when I capture the truck port to "Labs", then quit, sometimes when I go back to "Containment" (without capturing all other ports), the "labs" port is no longer captured, and appears as a secondary objective to complete..."

Added: 30/11/04

Status: Unreplicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=749

Level Restart Capture Problem

Issue: "If you restart a level, any building you captured remain in your control after you restart, but all the enemies respawn. This happened on Containment, not sure if it'll happen on other levels aswell."

Added: 30/11/04

Status: Unreplicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=756

Misc Level Problems

Issue: A few miscellaneous phase 2 bugs, mostly on "containment"

Added: 30/11/04

Status: Some Unreplicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=750

Increased fire-rate

Issue: While you are holding down the right mouse button for squads to fire their lasers, if you left click repeatedly their firerate seems to increase.

Added: 30/11/04

Status: Unreplicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=767

Generator Problem

Issue: On the first island in Generator, when you try and put darwinians in the 3rd Solar panel they all get stuck in this little hole.

Added: 30/11/04

Status: Repliacted

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=770

Ending Programs Mid-Transport Problem

Issue: When sending a squad through a transport and terminating it halfway, the squad explodes as normal, but the souls continue to be transported.

Added: 30/11/04

Status: Repliacted

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=772

Squads Get Stuck (Phase 2)

Issue: In certain places on "containment" squads get stuck.

Added: 03/12/04

Status: Unreplicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=778

Profile nameing

Issue: There are issues with entering a name in the profile.

Added: 03/12/04

Status: Unreplicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=786

Sticky Camera

Issue: Under certain conditions the camera will become stuck and will only swivel but not move.

Added: 03/12/04

Status: Unrepliacted

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=792

Radar Connetions

Issue: Radars can connect to any other radars, making some levels very easy.

Added: 03/12/04

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=796

Research Item on Generator

Issue: "On the Generator level, when I recovered the research item, I never got any messages, either about finding it, or what it was."

Added: 03/12/04

Status: Unreplicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=802

No Spawn Points

Issue: After saving, on some levels the control towers and other buildings are no longer yours, meaning there is nowhere to spawn units.

Added: 03/12/04

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=775

Triffid Health Display

Issue: The triffid health display will go below zero if you keep shootinging them once they are on fire.

Added: 03/12/04

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=805

Containment Radars

Issue: On containment, the radars do not connect to thier partner radars.

Added: 03/12/04

Status: Unreplicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=829

Saving Doesn't Save Darwinians

Issue: On some levels, or possibly all levels, Darinians are not saved when the game is saved.

Added: 03/12/04

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=814

Half Dead Squad

Issue: If half a squad dies but there is still one left, sometimes the game will think the whole squad died.

Added: 03/12/04

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=831

Radar Dish Selection

Issue: If you deploy a unit too close to the radar then the radar is selected as well as the unit.

Added: 03/12/04

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=845

Split Centipedes

Issue: Once the centipedes have become split, it appears that one of the slpit marts causes no damage to squads.

Added: 10/12/04

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=839

Engineers and Barriers

Issue: Engineers can pass through barriers unharmed, but other units cant.

Added: 10/12/04

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=836

Port Lights

Issue: "The lights that shine down on the ports you control in the containment level don't always light up as they should."

Added: 10/12/04

Status: Unreplicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=860

Crashing Into Hills

Issue: Crashing the camera into a hill causes the camera to be moved way back, sometimes as far as right off the map.

Added: 11/10/04

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=867

Reset Button

Issue: Using the reset button does not cause the ownership of buildings to be reset. Possibly not a bug.

Added: 11/12/04

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=876

Research Switching

Issue: Sometimes the research concentration will change on its own for no apparent reason.

Added: 16/12/04

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=893

Inaccesable Workstations

Issue: On Reciever, some of the machines have inaccessable workstations, so the Darwinians can't get in and use them.

Added: 20/12/04

Status: Unreplicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=902

Dying Squad Influence

Issue: Dying squads still have an area of influence.

Added: 20/12/04

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=898

Engineer AI

Issue: Engineers often go after the same soul

Added: 20/12/04

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=907

Armour unload and deployment

Issue: If an amour has been damaged then Darwinians will not get inside.

Added: 20/12/04

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=905

Stuck Squad

Issue: There is a certain point in the level which if a squad gets into it cannot get out of

Added: 10/01/05

Status: Unreplicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=959

Yard/Generator Radar Problem

Issue: "On the Generator level I captured the Yard trunk port. When I start the Yard level I'm told I was unable to capture the trunk port in Generator, and that this is now an objective. Even tho the building is captured in the Yard!" -- Phydaux

Added: 10/01/05

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=911

Odd Radar/Darwinian Problem

Issue: Best just to read it...

Added: 10/01/05

Status: Unreplicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=933

Jumpy Squads

Issue: When a squad gets seperated from the leader they tend to by jumpy until the reach the leader again

Added: 10/01/05

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=927

Engineers and Incubators

Issue: Sometimes engineers can't get into the incubators

Added: 10/01/05

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=964

Virii Stuck in Water

Issue: A triffid egg hatched a vrius and it instantly became stuck under the water

Added: 10/01/05

Status: Unreplicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=967

World Limits

Issue: Sometimes it is possible for the camera to go "through" the terrain.

Added: 10/01/05

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=977

Menus and Units

Issue: "If you open an options menu while you have a unit selected, any click on the menus will also act as a move order for the unit selected."

Added: 10/01/05

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=971

Squad Radar Separation

Issue: If you try and send a squad through a radar whilest aligning it, the leader will get through but all the others will be stuck there.

Added: 10/01/05

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=1060

Low Image Quality Problem

Issue: Having the image quality on lowest means that Darwinians will not go into the mine and work.

Added: 11/01/05

Status: Unreplicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=1096

Ifinite Lopp with Officers

Issue: Sometimes when a darwinian has been promoted to an officer, sending him through one radar will result in him going back and forth between the 2 radars.

Added: 11/01/05

Status: Unreplicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=1103

Stuck Spider

Issue: A spider appears to have got stunk and will not move

Added: 11/01/05

Status: Unreplicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=1106

Engineers Carrying Full Souls Can't Capture

Issue: "Engineers who posess a full load of souls will not capture any buildings until the souls have been returned to an already claimed incubator in the Generator level." -- starfyre

Added: 11/01/05

Status: Unreplicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=1108

Task Manager Drawing Bug

Issue: Sometimes the task manager will think that you have clicked to start drawing even though you haven't.

Added: 11/01/05

Status: Unreplicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=1124

Reciever Not Recieving

Issue: "I was playing Reciever, and getting a horrible framerate (less then ten, when usual is about 45 or 50) so I quit, restarted and went back into the level. I have now got DG's manning all the receivers but no souls are being collected." -- andcarne

Added: 11/01/05

Status: Unreplicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=1157

Access to Biosphere

Issue: It seems that the access to Biosphere is denied when it shouldn't be. Post apparently contains a small spoiler.

Added: 11/01/05

Status: Unreplicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=1185

Issue with Virii and Engineers

Issue: "virii seem to ignore that incubator and in front of them, and they tend to burrow there anyway. You can still kill them, so you end up with the soul in that area as well. Engineers will preoccupy themselves trying to get this one soul, and never being able to." -- Maih Helpmann

Added: 11/01/05

Status: Unreplicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=1186

Meuns Accessible in Fly-Bys

Issue: During fly-bys it is possible to access the menus.

Added: 20/01/05

Status: Unreplicated

Link: http://www.forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=1199

Similtaneous Alt and Options Menus

Issue: It is possible to see the Alt screen and the options menu at the same time

Added: 20/01/05

Status: Unreplicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=1200

Swimming Officer

Issue: On certain points on the first island, if you tell an officer to go into the water he will and wont die.

Added: 20/01/05

Status: Unreplicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=1205


Issue: Pressing Alt and Space causes a window to pop up.

Added: 20/01/05

Status: Replicated

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=138

Darwinians Stuck after Teleporting

Issue: After sending a group of darwinians through the radar they got stuck around the radar.

Added: 20/01/05

Link: http://forums.introversion.co.uk/darwinia/viewtopic.php?t=1218
Last edited by rob_quill on Thu Jan 20, 2005 5:45 pm, edited 43 times in total.
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Postby chimera » Mon Aug 30, 2004 8:00 am

WOW! Long list. Nice work!! and thank you :D
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Postby Soulkeeper » Mon Aug 30, 2004 12:27 pm

Excellent work, rob! I comment you! Looks like you, me and Hektik Sniper are doing well on the organising front. At time of posting Hektik's post had been stickied. I'm hoping the same for mine and yours, too.
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Postby Hektik sniper » Mon Aug 30, 2004 1:13 pm

ill ask the next member of the IV team i see on irc to do it.
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Postby UGHQ_DoubleG » Mon Aug 30, 2004 6:46 pm

Heh...seems strange to post a bug report for a bug report organization, but the link for Squads Die in Radar Repositioning takes me back to the forum main menu.
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Postby Mad_Big_Sausage » Wed Sep 01, 2004 8:40 pm

How about adding the date of the last Edit to the sticky so we know where it runs till? I've already done it to mine (not that it needs much updating! :D ).
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Postby Mad_Big_Sausage » Thu Sep 02, 2004 1:05 pm

I was going to put my own closed thread list in this forum too but there aren't any..................

And the list in the Class C Bugs has them listed already.

I try to help but can only do so much! :cry:
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Postby rob_quill » Thu Sep 02, 2004 1:36 pm

Help by going through the Unreplicated list one by one and trying to replicate the bug, then posting in the appropriate topic, them PM-ing me to tell me you've suceeded so I dont have to check every topic jus to check :)
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Postby Starfyre » Fri Oct 29, 2004 12:13 am

Swimming Officers link is dead :(

Excellent work, though....
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Postby Bruce42 » Wed Dec 22, 2004 10:05 am

Bug report on the bug list:

These URLs have a www, the standard forum link does not. If you have your account registered from the standard page these links wont work.
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Postby xander » Wed Dec 29, 2004 6:57 pm

For the love of Pete, please fix the links. I will be your best friend forever. Please?

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Postby rob_quill » Tue Jan 11, 2005 1:22 pm

Sorry, haven't been around for a bit. I'll do it now.


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