1. How to watch recordings:
1. Download and install Dedcon. http://dedcon.simamo.de/
2. Download the recording(s).
3. Open the recording file(*.drec), which should now have a file association with dedcon. A black text box will pop up with the names of the players, and the pre-game chat log. You can also see players IDs here.
4. Leave Dedcon running, and open DEFCON. Open Join Game menu. From filter box ("All Games" is set by default) choose "LAN Games", server named "Playback" may appear now in the list. If you can't see it, choose "Enter IP Manually" in filter box. Where to find out IP:

2. List of recording servers:
Go here viewtopic.php?f=1&t=44620&p=543096#p543096
-- You can change the speed of the recording with the /speed command (enter it in chat box). '/speed 0' is pause. '/speed 5' is half speed. 10 is normal, and 20 is double speed.
-- You can speed up recording even more by repeatedly entering /speed 999999999 (nine times "9"). Binding command to a, say, additional mouse button is strongly recommended - you will get tired of entering it manually very quickly.
-- In the black box you can type AdvertiseOnInternet 1 (case sensitive) to make the recording visible on Defcon servers list. This makes it possible for other people to join and watch with you, alternatively set it to 0 to make sure advertising is disabled.
You can thank bert_the_turtle for writing the Dedcon program, and providing all the 'Dedcon Test' servers.