Minicom project - revival by community

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Re: Minicom project - revival by community

Postby jango_bob » Wed Dec 09, 2020 6:13 pm

The Default "worldoptions.txt" with explanations and other various info.

Code: Select all

# World options that influence little details of how the world works;
# they're too fine grained to be game options. Instead, put a modified
# version of this file into a MOD and distribute that.
# worldoptions.txt is read from ALL active mods, higher priority mods
# overwrite lower priority ones and those overwrite settings in this file.
# So if you only want to mod a part of the rules, delete the ones you
# do not care about.

# Interface

# Bombers store the coordinates of their nuke target separately, vanilla
# Defcon does not show it. If BomberShowNukeTarget is set to 1, the following
# changes are made to bomber order rendering:
# - If valid nuke target coordinates are set, they are marked with
#   a red attack line. The navigation target is shown in blue, then.
# - Bombers launched before DEFCON 1 with valid nuke targets mark them
#   red already instead of blue.
# - if a bomber is in SRBM mode and no nuke target has been set yet,
#   its navigation target turns from blue to yellow so you can still
#   identify switched bombers. Vanilla Defcon shows the navigation
#   marker as red in those situations.
# A value of 0 returns to the bahaviour of vanilla Defcon.

BomberShowNukeTarget 1

# If these settings are 1, the corresponding units can launch their nukes at
# any spot in range; it they are 0, they can only fire at confirmed targets.
# For plain Defcon feel, disable SubLaunchAnywhere.

SubLaunchAnywhere 1
BomberLaunchAnywhere 1
SiloLaunchAnywhere 1

# Unit and state properties

# All unit types have the following propreties you can customize;
# replace 'Unit' with the unit's name.

# The number of hit points. Each successful gunshot hit takes 1 away,
# nuke hits usually take 10.
# UnitLife 1

# The number of nukes.
# UnitNukeSupply 0

# Moving units have some more:

# movement speed in degrees (longitude/latitude) per 100 seconds
# UnitSpeed 1

# Turn rate; acceleration in degrees (longitude/latitude) per 1000 seconds^2;
# it takes about 15 * UnitSpeed / UnitTurnRate seconds for a 90 degree turn under
# optimal conditions.
# UnitTurnRate 1

# operation range; MAX for infinite
# UnitFuelRange MAX

# States have their own properties. Replace 'Unit' with the unit's name and 'State'
# with the state name (for units with only one state, that name is empty).

# The time it takes for a state to get activated:
# UnitStatePrepareTime 120

# The time it takes for the state's action to be repeated:
# UnitStateReloadTime 30

# Radar range if the unit is in that state:
# UnitStateRadarRange 10

# The combat/nuke range in that state:
# UnitStateActionRange 20

# 1 if the state allows actions, 0 if it doesn't.
# UnitStateIsActionable 0

# 'Ammunition' of that state, how often the state's action can be repeated.
# Nuke/plane supply. -1 for infinite ammunition.
# UnitStateNumTimesPermitted 10

# DEFCON level this state can become active in first.
# UnitStateDefconPermitted 5

# individual settings: (Those that don't make sense to change, ever, are commented out,
# but they still exist)

#CityLife 1
#CityNukeSupply 0

#CityPrepareTime 0
#CityReloadTime 0
CityRadarRange 5
#CityActionRange 0
#CityIsActionable 0
#CityNumTimesPermitted -1
#CityDefconPermitted 5

SiloLife 25
SiloNukeSupply 10 # must be the same as SiloICBMNumTimesPermitted

SiloICBMPrepareTime 120
SiloICBMReloadTime 120
SiloICBMRadarRange 10
SiloICBMActionRange MAX
SiloICBMIsActionable 1
SiloICBMNumTimesPermitted 10
SiloICBMDefconPermitted 1

SiloAAPrepareTime 340
SiloAAReloadTime 20
SiloAARadarRange 10
SiloAAActionRange 30
SiloAAIsActionable 1
SiloAANumTimesPermitted -1
SiloAADefconPermitted 5

NukeLife 1
NukeSpeed 20
NukeTurnRate 1
NukeFuelRange MAX
#NukeNukeSupply 0

NukeOnTargetPrepareTime 0
NukeOnTargetReloadTime 0
NukeOnTargetRadarRange 0
NukeOnTargetActionRange MAX
NukeOnTargetIsActionable 0
NukeOnTargetNumTimesPermitted -1
NukeOnTargetDefconPermitted 5

NukeDisarmPrepareTime 100
NukeDisarmReloadTime 0
NukeDisarmRadarRange 0
NukeDisarmActionRange 0
NukeDisarmIsActionable 0
NukeDisarmNumTimesPermitted -1
NukeDisarmDefconPermitted 5

#ExplosionLife 1
#ExplosionNukeSupply 0

SubLife 1
SubSpeed 2
SubTurnRate 1
SubFuelRange MAX
SubNukeSupply 5 # must be the same as SubSRBMNumTimesPermitted

SubPassivePrepareTime 240
SubPassiveReloadTime 20
SubPassiveRadarRange 0
SubPassiveActionRange 5
SubPassiveIsActionable 1
SubPassiveNumTimesPermitted -1
SubPassiveDefconPermitted 3

SubActivePrepareTime 240
SubActiveReloadTime 20
SubActiveRadarRange 0
SubActiveActionRange 5
SubActiveIsActionable 0
SubActiveNumTimesPermitted -1
SubActiveDefconPermitted 3

SubMRBMPrepareTime 120
SubMRBMReloadTime 120
SubMRBMRadarRange 3
SubMRBMActionRange 45
SubMRBMIsActionable 1
SubMRBMNumTimesPermitted 5
SubMRBMDefconPermitted 1

RadarLife 1
RadarNukeSupply 0

RadarPrepareTime 0
RadarReloadTime 0
RadarRadarRange 20
RadarActionRange 0
RadarIsActionable 0
RadarNumTimesPermitted -1
RadarDefconPermitted 5

BattleshipLife 3
BattleshipSpeed 3
BattleshipTurnRate 1
BattleshipFuelRange MAX
BattleshipNukeSupply 0

BattleshipPrepareTime 60
BattleshipReloadTime 20
BattleshipRadarRange 10
BattleshipActionRange 10
BattleshipIsActionable 1
BattleshipNumTimesPermitted -1
BattleshipDefconPermitted 3

AirbaseLife 15
AirbaseNukeSupply 10

# maximum storage space for planes
AirbaseMaxFighters 10
AirbaseMaxBombers 10

AirbaseFighterPrepareTime 120
AirbaseFighterReloadTime 120
AirbaseFighterRadarRange 10
AirbaseFighterActionRange 45
AirbaseFighterIsActionable 1
AirbaseFighterNumTimesPermitted 5
AirbaseFighterDefconPermitted 3

AirbaseBomberPrepareTime 120
AirbaseBomberReloadTime 120
AirbaseBomberRadarRange 10
AirbaseBomberActionRange 140
AirbaseBomberIsActionable 1
AirbaseBomberNumTimesPermitted 5
AirbaseBomberDefconPermitted 3

FighterLife 1
FighterSpeed 10
FighterTurnRate 4
FighterFuelRange 45
FighterNukeSupply 0

FighterPrepareTime 60
FighterReloadTime 20
FighterRadarRange 5
FighterActionRange 10
FighterIsActionable 1
FighterNumTimesPermitted -1
FighterDefconPermitted 5

BomberLife 1
BomberSpeed 5
BomberTurnRate 1
BomberFuelRange 140
BomberNukeSupply 1

BomberNavalPrepareTime 60
BomberNavalReloadTime 30
BomberNavalRadarRange 10
BomberNavalActionRange 20
BomberNavalIsActionable 1
BomberNavalNumTimesPermitted -1
BomberNavalDefconPermitted 3

BomberSRBMPrepareTime 240
#BomberSRBMReloadTime 120
BomberSRBMRadarRange 5
BomberSRBMActionRange 25
BomberSRBMIsActionable 1
BomberSRBMNumTimesPermitted 1
BomberSRBMDefconPermitted 1

CarrierLife 3
CarrierSpeed 3
CarrierTurnRate 1
CarrierFuelRange MAX
CarrierNukeSupply 6

# maximum storage space for planes
CarrierMaxFighters 5
CarrierMaxBombers 2

CarrierFighterPrepareTime 120
CarrierFighterReloadTime 120
CarrierFighterRadarRange 15
CarrierFighterActionRange 45
CarrierFighterIsActionable 1
CarrierFighterNumTimesPermitted 5
CarrierFighterDefconPermitted 3

CarrierBomberPrepareTime 120
CarrierBomberReloadTime 120
CarrierBomberRadarRange 15
CarrierBomberActionRange 140
CarrierBomberIsActionable 1
CarrierBomberNumTimesPermitted 2
CarrierBomberDefconPermitted 3

CarrierAntiSubPrepareTime 240
CarrierAntiSubReloadTime 60
CarrierAntiSubRadarRange 15
CarrierAntiSubActionRange 5
CarrierAntiSubIsActionable 0
CarrierAntiSubNumTimesPermitted -1
CarrierAntiSubDefconPermitted 3

TornadoLife 1
TornadoSpeed 10
TornadoTurnRate 4
TornadoFuelRange 600
TornadoNukeSupply 0

TornadoPrepareTime 0
TornadoReloadTime 0
TornadoRadarRange 5
TornadoActionRange MAX
TornadoIsActionable 0
TornadoNumTimesPermitted -1
TornadoDefconPermitted 5

SaucerLife 50
SaucerSpeed 20
SaucerTurnRate 10
SaucerFuelRange 200000
SaucerNukeSupply 0

SaucerFlightPrepareTime 0
SaucerFlightReloadTime 0
SaucerFlightRadarRange 10
SaucerFlightActionRange 180
SaucerFlightIsActionable 1
SaucerFlightNumTimesPermitted -1
SaucerFlightDefconPermitted 5

SaucerAttackPrepareTime 0
SaucerAttackReloadTime 0
SaucerAttackRadarRange 10
SaucerAttackActionRange 180
SaucerAttackIsActionable 1
SaucerAttackNumTimesPermitted -1
SaucerAttackDefconPermitted 5

# blips are the fleet navigation preview things and purely a visual effect
BlipLife 1
BlipSpeed 400
BlipTurnRate 4000
BlipFuelRange MAX
BlipNukeSupply 0

BlipPrepareTime 0
BlipReloadTime 0
BlipRadarRange 0
BlipActionRange 0
BlipIsActionable 0
BlipNumTimesPermitted -1
BlipDefconPermitted -1

# Plane landing

# If this is set to 1, advanced plane landingpad selection code is activated,
# if it is 0, planes greedily go for the closest available pad (bombers without nukes
# prefer pads with supply, though)

PlaneLandingAdvanced 1

# If PlaneLandingInterceptCarriers is on 1, planes landing on moving carriers will head
# for a suitable rendezvous point ahead on the carrier's course. If it is 0, they will
# just fly straight at its current location.

PlaneLandingInterceptCarriers 1

# Combat

# when planes take off (and other units using guns get placed on the map), they need to wait
# their regular reload time before they can fire their first shot, multiplied by
# ReloadOnSpawn/100. Vanilla Defcon has no such wait, the appropriate value of
# ReloadOnSpawn for that would be 0.

ReloadOnSpawn 100

# Automatisms

# Sometimes, when units are left to their own devices, they will do suboptimal things
# that need to be correctyed by micromanagement.

# Bombers only fire at targets while landing if this is set to 1.

BomberFireWhileLanding 1

# Fighters always look for targets if this is 1, otherwise only after they reach a waypoint.

FighterAlwaysAutoTarget 1

# If ImpossibleTargetTracking is 1, units will happily fire and follow targets they can't
# possibly harm.

ImpossibleTargetTracking 0

# Bugs

# Some people like some bugs. Here you can re-enable your favourite ones.

# In vanilla Defcon, ICBMs sometimes prefer to take the longer path round the earth;
# they prefer to cross the map seam. If NukeShortestPath is 0, they still do that. If
# it is 1, they always take the shortest path.

NukeShortestPath 1

# If CarrierNoPursuit is set to 1, fleets with carriers in them never prusue other fleets.
# This makes sense as they don't need to get close to attack and it is often triggered
# involuntarily by sending fighters at enemy ships. If it is 0, carriers don't care.

CarrierNoPursuit 1

# If ImmediateRetarget is set to 1, attack targets and bomber nuke targets can be
# reset even while the state timer is ticking down. If it is 0, the retarget action
# is queued up and will be executed as soon as the timer hits zero.

ImmediateRetarget 1

# If ManualTargetShotLoss is set to 1, manually selecting a target for conventional
# fire will cause one shot that could be fired to be swallowed up like in vanilla Defcon.

ManualTargetShotLoss 0

# If SiloAllowManualTarget is set to 0, silos will override manually set targets
# like vanilla Defcon. Unless ManualTargetShotLoss is at 1 and ImmediateRetarget at 0, you
# still can fire single shots at manually selected targets, though, but only individually.

SiloAllowManualTarget 1

# If InvisibleTargetTracking is 1, sometimes invisible objects will be tracked by former
# attackers and be visible in the orders view.

InvisibleTargetTracking 0
Stone Halk
Posts: 37
Joined: Fri Dec 16, 2022 1:20 am

Re: Minicom project - revival by community

Postby Stone Halk » Sun Nov 26, 2023 7:28 pm

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