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Fast leveling WHY?

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 6:29 pm
by Breidod

i played uplink (cpt obv) i was at Grade 7 - Professional,
well there wernt any missions for me (only low level and Trace Balance Transfer or Trace a Hacker)
so i desided to earn money by hacking banks cause i need money for the lan tools, and i got leveld up
after every hack i do it 3 times now iam Grade 4 - Expert and place 1 of the top agends btw. the
story line does not even start until jet :O and i want to know if this is a bug.

mfg Breidod

(sorry for bad eng ik that my eng is not the best)

Re: Fast leveling WHY?

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 7:09 pm
by Dangerous-D
Generally speaking only the best hackers would stand a chance of being able to hack a bank in the first place, let alone do it repeatedly so maybe it's loosely based on that

Being new to the game myself I don't know if this is actually the case though

Re: Fast leveling WHY?

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 10:19 pm
by Black Isis
No, it's not a bug. You get mad experience for hacking banks.

And now that you have that experience, when accepting a job, you should contact them and tell them you want more money. The extra amount they offer you is based on the difference between your rank, and the lowest acceptable rank.

Bank hacking is the gift that keeps on giving!

While we're in the subject, you should ALWAYS accept those Trace Balance Transfer jobs. They'll point you to a bank account with lots of credits.