Android: Remove large screen lock?

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Android: Remove large screen lock?

Postby Allectus » Thu Aug 23, 2012 10:06 pm

I understand that Uplink was designed for tablets, but is there any chance you might consider removing the function that boots you out of the game automatically if it's not being run on a tablet?

I understand if you don't want the hassle of supporting hardware the game has not been optimized for, but I'm quite happy to try without any official support. Right now it's not even possible to try because the game puts up a prompt and boots you out, even if the game is running smashingly in the background.

I have a Motorola Photon Q 4G LTE, which is a reasonably beefy phone with a decent size screen and (importantly) a hardware keyboard; so the onscreen keyboard isn't necessary leaving plenty of real-estate...Having played Uplink on my Mac and PC, and from what I can see of the initial login screen that loads behind the toast telling me that I need a bigger screen, it looks like it should be imminently playable. I'd at least like to give it a shot. :-\

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Postby orillian » Fri Aug 24, 2012 3:06 pm

Minor point, it was originally a pc game.
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Postby Allectus » Fri Aug 24, 2012 5:15 pm


I've owned some version (at this point I think I have on the order 4 or 5 licenses) since ~2004 when I picked it up for Mac. I am, of course, discussing the android edition, as indicated by the subject.
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Postby Apportable » Tue Aug 28, 2012 9:41 pm


Uplink has specific screen size and resolution requirements on Android because the text and UI features cannot be represented as the original design intended on certain devices. The design of the game takes playability into account, and the designers have judged the game to not be playable in the way that the game is supposed to be playable when played on handsets. Given all of the different kinds of Android devices out there, there is a continuum of compatibility. However, there has to be a cutoff point somewhere, and this is where the designers have drawn the line. Even though Uplink might appear to be running properly in the background at the initial screen on your device, there would almost certainly be issues further into the game where crucial game elements would not resize properly or could not fit onscreen properly, which would also interfere with the game's playability.

I hope this explains a little of the rationale.

-The Apportable Team

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