Suggestion: Changing Prisoner's Personalities

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Suggestion: Changing Prisoner's Personalities

Postby Alitari » Thu Aug 11, 2016 4:10 am

Good day!

I was thinking about this as a combination of how prisoner's are treated and what kind of avenues of activity they have open to them.

Consider the characteristic of Strong ... if the prisoner doesn't have the opportunity to work out, it makes sense that over time that characteristic would fade ... but if a particular prisoner does work out a lot (either by chance or choice?), or has Yard time but doesn't have any phone access, they'll gain the Strong characteristic.

Further, let's say you have Solitary as a punishment for every infraction ... eventually prisoners will become Stoic, as Solitary no longer has an impact on them.

Additionally, what about positive characteristics or at least opposite ones ... we have Strong, why not Weak? Volatile but not Calm. Quick but not Slow. (Overfeeding your prisoners might result in them becoming overweight and thus Slow) These opposite characteristics might be more common in lower risk prisoners, but could have interesting combinations ... like Strong and Slow or Volatile and Weak (they get in your face a lot, but barely do a thing).
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Joined: Fri May 20, 2016 5:47 pm

Re: Suggestion: Changing Prisoner's Personalities

Postby yuk » Thu Aug 11, 2016 6:35 am

I love this idea but I would put all slow prisoners on forced lockdown forever because I aint got time fo dat ha ha :D.

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