Allow clicking into rapsheet

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Allow clicking into rapsheet

Postby bigforyou » Fri Jul 29, 2016 7:13 am

Please at least make a separate option in the settings to have the old way of rapsheet popping up when clicking prisoners. I love everything else about the 2.0 GUI so I don't like disabling the entire thing but 99% of the time when clicking prisoners the rapsheet is what you want. This change of forcing users to go through a context menu is tedious (especially since at least on my PC the context menu doesn't even spawn right where I clicked the prisoner but on the bottom right of the screen) and the unfortunate effect of it is that I click on my prisoners much much less than I used to. Seeing how much effort you put into the rapsheets it seems unfortunate to discourage the player from seeing them and feeling connected to the prison population.

Great work otherwise and thanks for the continued support. I've been a player since 2013 and love the 2.0 additions.
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Joined: Fri May 20, 2016 5:47 pm

Re: Allow clicking into rapsheet

Postby yuk » Fri Jul 29, 2016 6:31 pm

I agree!

And sticky pages would be SO when I click a prisoner and change to grading and click the next guy it stays on grading.

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