Gang reform

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Posts: 8
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Gang reform

Postby Jazzy » Tue Jun 21, 2016 11:38 pm

There seriously needs to be some way for gang members to have the option to leave their gang and return to a normal prison life. Perhaps conditions such as the gang not making any money, or to many gang deaths / kills, whatever. But there seriously needs to be something because having to constantly rehire guards every day due to massive attacks thanks to the overwhelming amount of instigators and volatile prisoners I've ended up with is getting really old really fast. I love PA, been playing it for a long time and have had many successful prisons with 800+ prisoners that NEVER had a problem with daily mass battles or deaths without using gangs. I want to be able to have that feature in my prison but its just getting ridiculous. Even with 10+ armed guards patrolling the corridors and watching over the canteen, yard, and common room, there are still massive fights taking place. At least the win / loss condition can be disabled because I would have had to start over a long time ago. Highest death count in a single day? 18, thanks to a gang incited riot that got out of hand really quick.

Please consider overhauling the gang system.

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